Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Fleas Please
Friday, February 19, 2010
Snowbanks! Love them!!!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
An update from a friend
So the Open house has been busy! Thanks to all you humans that braved the cold weather. Thanks as well to all the rescue groups! We have two foster bunnies from Delaware County Humane Society that will be staying with us until they find their new home. So we are becoming a true Ark! A safe haven for all animals.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Getting Ready for Vancouver!
I am out!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Open House
Diva Yushay
Monday, February 8, 2010
Will you be my valentine?
Your Valentine:)
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Gone to the Dogs.....
The Queen
Friday, February 5, 2010
boy!!! My mouth is sore!!! But I needed it!
PS Did I mention February is National Dental Health Month!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It's going to snow!
OK check with you all later.......
Yoda finds a home!
The rest of his gang is hanging in there! They know that they are safe here! Miss Renee will never let an animal down! And speaking of down.....the volume is down today because a certain, shall we say out spoken Pomeranian is not here today! She called in today and said she needs a break from her k9-to 5 life. I think she just went shopping. I hope she remembers my size!
I will check in later with everyone. I need to take a nap. I think my bed has been cleaned and there is a biscuit there!
A Looming Snowstorm
Strangely tonight, no one is talking about me. What's up with that? In fact, all the humans are talking about a giant snowstorm coming into the area Friday night and Saturday. More than six inches of snow will come down they say. Did you know I'm barely six inches off the ground? Tunnel Time!
Seriously, one human on the radio tonight jokingly referred to the snowstorm as the "White Death." I had to laugh. That's how Yoda once described me when I trotted into his wing of the building unannounced. Startled him BUT good!
I know I left a biscuit around here somewhere.............
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
A Reminder For Winter Safety
Pet owners walk their animals all times of the year. But winter creates certain problems for pets. Particularly problems associated with road salt, and antifreeze.
Please be sure when you come in from a walk to wipe the paws of your animal. Road salt, sidewalk melt and other ice and snow removal chemicals are corrosive and can be harmful to your pets' paws and overall health. And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be sure to keep your animals away from antifreeze spills, which seem to be more numerous in winter. Antifreeze is sweet and animals are drawn to the yellowish-greenish looking fluid that winds up on driveways, at the side of roads, and even in parking lots.
Antifreeze doesn't just sicken dogs and cats. It kills! Most animals don't recover from antifreeze poisoning, so be extra vigilent for the next few months, okay?
The advice has been passed on. And its time for me to turn in. I'm nestled on my pillow. Well actually, its Tupelo Honey's pillow, but that's a story for another day. MineMineMineMineMineMineMine.... zzzzzzz.
Wow! A Visit From The Philippines!
This little dog is content.....
Busy Day Here Yesterday
Dr. West was on the case of the long-haired blue, probably less than one year old. A kind human had noticed that this cat was wandering a neighborhood, and hanging around one particular house. The cat was outside with no care for the entire month of January. After contacting Black & Orange Cat Foundation, the foundation found a donor who would cover all the costs of health care for this animal. The person who spotted the cat brought him in. And the staff took action. They checked him out, got him his shots, and neutered him.
Noah's Ark Veterinary Hospital has a policy of "no pet turned away." So this little boy got top flight care.
You know how I feel about cats. They think they're all that and a bag of biscuits. But this cat the staff is calling "Lenny" likes to talk! More than most cats. He's got an okay disposition, for a cat, and actually he's not a bad sort. But I can hear him just about everywhere I go in this building! He is up for adoption and will be featured next week during the hospital's grand opening celebration.
Love ya Lenny, but I gotta say this. Please PLEASE someone give him a good home! Please? HE WON'T STOP TALKING TO ME!!! I NEED MY BEAUTY REST!!!
Time to grab a biscuit and lock myself in a closet for a while......
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Why Do Groundhogs Get All The Attention?
Its just a dirty animal that lives underground. It has no education. It couldn't possibly know how to forecast the weather. What is it with humans? If you want to know when winter is going to end LOOK AT A CALENDAR!
I may be below humans on the scale of intelligent animals..... but even I know you look at a calendar to find out when winter ends.
By the way, it's March 20th folks.
Just sayin'......
So Yoda Will Be Quiet...
I think I mentioned earlier that Yoda is this "look at me, everybody loves me, look at me" Himalayan. Everyone fawns over him. He is up for adoption, looking for a good home.Now I gotta tell you he's got some seriously piercing eyes. I think he wears blue contacts.
Anyway, Yoda here you go! Now give it a rest, will ya? Geez......
MMMMMmmmmm......fresh biscuits....mmmmmmmmmm........
Hey I've Got Another Follower!
This little pup is going to get a swelled head if this keeps up. Hey Doc, ya got anything for swelled head?
Morning Snow; Less Than A Week To Go
I've taken my morning walk through the building. Quiet for now, but it will get busy, for sure. There's also a lot of activity, excitement and anxiety among the humans as we all prepare for the Grand Opening celebration of Noah's Ark. Day 1 is less than a week away!
There are a lot of places that call themselves "animal hospitals" but very few anywhere in the United States that truly are hospitals. This place never closes and we see patients from all over the Central Ohio area day and night. We....yeah I consider myself one of the team also. Just call me Dr. Y! LOL
Hmmm......I wonder if I can get a white lab coat? Something in an extra, extra, extra, extra, lap dog small?
Yawn......time for breakfast.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Action Over The Weekend
Turns out some neighbors up there saw the dog wandering a neighborhood and called the authorities. The veterinarians and techs here gave the chow IV fluids, food (he chowed down?) and water, and the pup (as I am a ..... dog of maturity, let's say ....anyone younger than me is a pup) has improved significantly. Delaware County Humane Society officials picked it up today, and are saying nice things about the great vets and vet techs here who made the difference. The chow, they told us in a telephone call a few minutes ago, is doing great!
That's why I like it here. Humans making a difference for us animals, who, let's face it, rule the world. I mean, its humans picking up our poop, and not the other way around, right? But seriously, there aren't a lot of animal ERs anywhere, let alone veterinarians working on weekends. Another fine job by Team Noah's Ark!
Now where was I ...... sniff, sniff ..... mmmmmmm ...... oh yeaaaaa baby ...... fresh biscuits!
You Like Me, You Really Like Me!
They dropped by to tell me they liked my new pic! My site has only been up since Saturday afternoon. Maybe there IS something to this blogging thing.
Yawnnnnnn....time to lie down for a while.
Hurdles? Barriers? Miss Renee Knows None

Sunday, January 31, 2010
It's Past My Bedtime, But .....

Yoda Is Jealous
More about him later.
My Pretty Picture Taken For Noah's Ark Grand Opening
Two guys were in yesterday taking my picture. One tried to get me to smile, get me to perk up, another whistled to get my attention. I just gave them a look. "Don't you see I'm not going to move for you?" I wanted to ask them. I haven't seen the results yet.
They were here doing some work leading up to Noah's Ark Veterinary Hospital's Grand Opening celebration that starts on February 8 and concludes two weeks from today on Valentine's Day, February 14. Click on the NAVH website and check out the schedule of events. The Dublin Police Department will be doing demonstrations with its K-9 unit, there are going to be discussions about new puppies and new kittens, and what to expect when you bring them home.
Even info on how to choose a pet. If you ask me, it would be awesome if we animals could pick who we want to go home with. But then I've got a reputation of being kind of aloof, kind of indifferent. Sure, give me a warm lap and someone petting me and I'm pretty content. But I won't get off my pillow for just anyone! LOL
Oh, off to get a biscuit and some nap time........
Saturday, January 30, 2010
It's Going To Be Cold Tonight!
Its going to be uber cold out around here...about 13. Not as cold as a few weeks ago, but frigid enough. The cold isn't good for animals, especially us smaller pampered ones. I should know! We can get chilled a lot faster. If there is snow and ice where you live, be sure to check the paws of your pet if they've been outside. No matter how big or small they are. Animals can get frostbite too!
If you have an outside pet, make sure they have plenty of straw or other bedding material that will help reflect their own body heat! Thankfully, its pretty warm here this evening at Noah's Ark. In fact, the staff around here kind of laughs because they say I rarely leave my cushy bed. Be honest....Would you if you had a choice???!!!
Hey, did you check out the big storm moving across Tennessee, Virginia and North Carolina? Some of the humans here at Noah's Ark were watching it today on radar. Way cool!
BTW, if the sky is clear where you live tonight, you'll get to see a full moon! Native Americans have long called the January full moon the "Bear Moon." I'll try to take a peek later. And speaking of bears, have you heard about Lily? She is a black bear living in Northern Minnesota near the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. Some really smart people who help bear conservation put a webcam just outside her den. Tens of thousands of new fans, including me, from all over the world have been tuning in to watch her while she's in hibernation.
Lily has been pretty active though recently. You know why? She had a baby cub just last weekend! If you want to catch the show, click to Lily's Den Cam. The cub is about the size of a stick of butter. Lily is wrapped around it keeping it warm. The temperature has been below zero up there a lot. If you turn on your sound, there is a microphone on the "den cam" so you can hear Lily scratching, and the cub nursing and crying out. Don't be surprised if you see Lily's back. She is sleeping a lot more now. I sooooooooooo get that!
Yawwwwnnnnnnnnn ..... okay, off to get another biscuit and grab another nap.
I've Got A Blog! I've Got A Blog!
My name is Yushay and this is my first post in what I hope will be a really cool blog! The reason I said hi in Japanese is because I am a Pekingese/Japanese Chin mix. Oh yeah...and I'm a dog, in case you haven't seen my pic yet. I'm still figuring out the keyboard here too. Sometimes my paw hits more than one key at a time. Frustrating, but you get used to it.
Anyway, I spend a lot of time at Noah's Ark Veterinary Hospital, , a 24/7 emergency pet hospital in Dublin, Ohio. Dublin is in the central part of Ohio northwest of Columbus, and is a really awesome place to live. There are golf courses everyplace you look! My owner is Renee, a really neat lady who has been working with rescue animals for more than 30 years. She and her friends saved my life. No lie!
I also want to give a shout out to all the great vet docs and techs here at Yushay's....er, I mean, Noah's Ark. Heh....(wishful thinking). They are great!
I hope Yushay's Ark will be a journal of life here and the stuff I see, the funnier (and more serious) things that happen in a vet hospital, dealing with humans, my favorite napping positions, pet adoption and rescue stories, and more. Come by anytime! If I'm sleeping, give me a wide berth!
Yawwwwnnnnnn.....okay, off to get a biscuit and grab a nap.